About Turda - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Turda recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (10 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Turda, Transilvania
Turda developed especially on the left side of the Aries River. The minimum height is 310 m in the far east, in the valley of Aries, and the maximum is located in the northeastern city Bacon Hill (436 m). To the west, Vine Hill is housed in the extension of Castle Hill (402 m). In the center of the Valley unite Racilor Hot Big Valley.
The town was composed of three distinct areas: Old Turda (from the bridge over the Aries north, comprising the central and ending at the street Avram Iancu), Turda Nine (of Avram Iancu Street to Cluj) and Oprisani (from bridge over Aries to Turzii).
Turda | Turda (Latin Potaissa) is a municipality in the county of Cluj, Transylvania, Romania, with a population of 43,472 inhabitants (20 October 2011). It is situated about 30 km southeast of Cluj-Napoca.
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