About Turnu Severin - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The town developed around the Roman camp Drobeta, becoming a strategic point originally a crossroads city roads on land and water leading to the north and south of the Danube. During Roman antiquity, became the first urban center in the region and third in the province of Dacia, after Sarmisegetusa and Apullum.
It lies in the west of Oltenia, its coordinates are 22 ° 33 'east longitude and 44 ° 38' north latitude. The city is situated on the left bank of the Danube river in the gorge exit in the Carpathian basin Topolnita on the European road E70, 220 km southeast of Timisoara, 113 km west of Craiova and 353 km west of Bucureşti.Altitudinea is 104 meters at the highest point and the lowest point is located near the train station, where the elevation is 48.75 feet above sea level.
Turnu Severin | Drobeta-Turnu Severin is a city, port on the Danube, county Mehedinti.
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