About Vadu Izei - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Vadu Izei recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Vadu Izei, Maramures
Iza Vadu village is situated in the northern Maramures county, 60 km from Baia Mare and 6 km from the town of Sighet. Already Laa Iza confluence with Mara, on a plain 1.5 km wide and 2-4 km long, surrounded by hills that do not exceed 700 m is composed of the following locations: Vadu Iza (administrative center) and the Valley of Elah.
Meadows and picturesque meadows are home to beautiful singing and beautiful colored birds (the cuckoo, off, lark). The hills are covered with orchards (apple, plum and cherry trees), oak and beech forests that descend to the edge of the village. Iza smoothly flowing green waters of the Great whisperers and the blue, spiky-paced home to a rich variety of beautiful shining fish.
It is known for "The gates of Maramures" George Borodi performed by Mary Clovers songs and the virtuous violinist Gheorghe Covaci-Cioata and through poetry and drawings of Tiberius utan valuable graphic artist Vasile Kazar. Along with them - spirituality maximum rates around the holidays, customs, places, art and folk - that people regardless of the day takes him painting define this land of Maramures.
Troubled history and the geographical environment and made their mark on the soul of these have carved Maramures and over the centuries a stout man, hardworking, hospitable and proud that they could not go any hardships times and no harsh winter.
Seniority is lost in the mists of time the village was discovered archeological evidence attesting living here these lands. Written evidence, however, hardly appear in 1383.
Agriculture, with its main branches, and livestock farming, is economic activity for the inhabitants of the village. As related activities have developed tourism, services, commerce and small industry, represented by a carpentry shop, a tailor and an upholstery
Vadu Izei | Iza Vadu village, situated at the confluence of the Iza and Mara valleys, is that all settlements from Maramures, a preserver of traditions and customs that are still transmitted to the young. But further, the most precious pride of the village is represented
by the many carved doors - to be considered as the most beautiful in the area
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