About Vatra Moldovitei - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Most of the territory is drained by tributaries Moldovitei river basins of streams and ox Ciumarna Great, who confluence Moldovitei.Teritoriul Vatra village commune extends latitude by 12 km and longitudinal joint Moldovitei Hearth runs 7.1 km. Cohabitation Center is located 25 km from the city Campulung and 30 km from Gura Humor, both rail and road. Vatra village beyond Moldovitei neighbors are administrative: Moldova and Suceava Sincerely north and northeast, beautiful east-south-east, south-east and Sadova city Campulung south. Vatra common boundaries usually follow Moldovitei catchment watersheds of tributaries Moldovitei..Accesul road from the village of Vama, is along the valley Moldovitei the DJ176, and from that to Sadova Sucevita and Radauti and Campulung on DN17A. Rail access throughout the valley axis Moldova, Vatra path railroad customs-Moldovitei Moldova, derivation of railway lines Campulung Suceava-.
Vatra Moldovitei | Vatra village Moldovitei, they shaped the current administration, which dates from 1968, is located in the central-western part of the county of Suceava, Bukovina center in Moldovitei basin, a tributary of the Moldova village runs a gap altitude of between
600-1380 m and has general direction north - north-east - south - southeast
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