About Voineasa - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Voineasa recieved a rating of 4.9 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (8 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Voineasa, Valea Lotrului
It is a rest and treatment resort of national importance, open in all seasons, located in southern central part of Romania, at the southern end of Lotru Mountains (Southern Carpathians), Lotru River valley at an altitude of 600-800 m, 60 km northwestern city of Ramnicu Valcea (seat of Valcea county) which is connected by a modernized road.
The resort is surrounded by forests of fir, spruce and beech in all seasons and offers a quiet and relaxing atmosphere.
Located at an altitude of 650m, with mild winters without air currents and winds with ozone, is a place just right for trout fishing in rivers Lotrului.
Intra-mountain climate with cool summers (July average temperature is 14 ° C) and cold winters (average temperature in January is -7 ° C). Annual rainfall is about 800 mm in total. The main factor is climate tonic-stimulant therapy of fresh air, dust and allergens, highly ionized, ionized and ozonized rich in aerosols and ultraviolet radiation.
The treatment is equipped with modern equipment which can be treated asthenic neurosis, physical and intellectual overwork, diseases of the musculoskeletal, respiratory and other related diseases.
Voineasa | It is a rest and treatment resort of national importance, open in all seasons, located in southern central part of Romania, at the southern end of Lotru Mountains (Southern Carpathians), Lotru River valley at an altitude of 600-800 m, 60 km northwest of
the city of Ramnicu Valcea (seat of Valcea county) which is connected by a modernized road
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