Mountain Baile Felix, Crisana Romania 2025
Filters: Category: Mountain× (2 offers, 50LEI - 500LEI)

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Hotel International, Baile Felix

Hotel International    

   Score 8.8/10 out of 220 reviews

Baile Felix, Crisana, Romania

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/20/2025

About Baile FelixDetails and images of Baile Felix

Baile Felix

Baile Felix is located in the north-west of Romania, Bihor county, at a distance of about 9 km from Oradea. Located in plain Cris at an altitude of 150 meters, the resort has a continental climate moderated by SES, with mild winters and temperate summers with Mediterranean influence, ideal for spa tourism. At your disposal the whole year, Felix spa provides a relaxing vacation, rest and recuperation.

Discovered ancient geo-thermal springs have curative properties certified as oligometalice, bicarbonate, calcium and sodium, and have properties sapropelic sludge (rich in colloidal iron hidrosulfura).