About Baile Felix - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baile Felix recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1651 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Baile Felix, Crisana
Baile Felix is located in the north-west of Romania, Bihor county, at a distance of about 9 km from Oradea. Located in plain Cris at an altitude of 150 meters, the resort has a continental climate moderated by SES, with mild winters and temperate summers with Mediterranean influence, ideal for spa tourism. At your disposal the whole year, Felix spa provides a relaxing vacation, rest and recuperation.
Discovered ancient geo-thermal springs have curative properties certified as oligometalice, bicarbonate, calcium and sodium, and have properties sapropelic sludge (rich in colloidal iron hidrosulfura).
Thermal water temperature is between 20-49 degrees. Due to the high content of minerals internists doctors recommend patients treatments or courses of bath water.
Felix has a rich base of treatment which includes: equipment for bathing in tub installations for hot applications and paraffin mud, thermal water pools, plants for elongations under water, electric and water facilities for therapy, sauna, indoor and outdoor medical gyms.
Climate with mild winters and moderate summers, favors the existence of a large deciduous forests, which give the resort an ideal atmosphere for every season, making it conducive for relaxation and treatment, so rain or winter cold is not an impediment to a water bath thermal outdoors.
Beneficial effects of thermal waters are used for these conditions:
- Inflammatory rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid reumadoida, spondylitis spondylitis)
- Degenerative rheumatic diseases (cervical, dorsal and lumbar polyarthrosis)
- Rheumatic abarticulare
- Post-traumatic disorders
- Peripheral neurological disorders
- Central neurological
- Gynecological
- Associated disorders (nutritional and metabolic diseases, endocrine diseases).
- Infectious and contagious diseases
- Venereal diseases
- Malignancy
- Bleeding
- Mental illness
Baile Felix | Baile Felix is located in the north-west of Romania, Bihor county, at a distance of about 9 km from Oradea. Located in plain Cris at an altitude of 150 meters, the resort has a continental climate moderated by SES, with mild winters and temperate summers
with Mediterranean influence, ideal for spa tourism
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