Early Deals Seaside Saturn, Romanian Seaside Romania summer 2024
Filters: Category: Seaside×Special Offers: Early Booking× (10 offers, 50LEI - 500LEI)

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About SaturnDetails and images of Saturn


Saturn is located near the resort town of Mangalia, 43 km from Constanta. Saturn North is adjacent to the resort spa Venus. In addition to recreational opportunities, the strength of the existing resort is mesothermal springs and sulphurous mud with therapeutic value, used in treating gynecological diseases and the locomotion. Saturn is a resort clean, cheerful, with a good beach and accommodation charges are among the lowest.

Saturn is a new resort, Romanian spas inserted in the list in 1972. The resort has developed along with the other resorts on the Romanian coast.

Recommendations for travel Saturn

The two treatment facilities are located in hotels and Ballad Hora. This natural cure factors are used (sea water, mud, water mesothermal sulfide) in the treatment of several diseases, such as degenerative rheumatic diseases (cervical, lumbar and dorsal), diseases of orthopedic trauma (fractures, dislocations), anemia , articular manifestations of nutritional diseases (rickets), respiratory diseases (emphysema, chronic bronchitis, respiratory allergies), skin diseases (psoriasis, chronic eczema, neurodermatitis), metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes, gout), gynecologic diseases ( attached metroanexite, sterility). Among the types of procedures used include: hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, electrotherapy, thermotherapy (sulfur baths, mud baths, herbal baths, galvanic baths, medical gymnastics, underwater shower, mud or paraffin, or dried mud massages, clean geriatrics.