About Saturn - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Saturn recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1161 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Saturn, Romanian Seaside
Saturn is located near the resort town of Mangalia, 43 km from Constanta. Saturn North is adjacent to the resort spa Venus. In addition to recreational opportunities, the strength of the existing resort is mesothermal springs and sulphurous mud with therapeutic value, used in treating gynecological diseases and the locomotion. Saturn is a resort clean, cheerful, with a good beach and accommodation charges are among the lowest.
Saturn is a new resort, Romanian spas inserted in the list in 1972. The resort has developed along with the other resorts on the Romanian coast. From the administrative point of view belongs to Mangalia.
The beach lies between the beach and Mangalia of Venus. The southern beach (to Mangalia) is indented by numerous coves created artificially, with relatively easy access to the sea, but with smaller width of the beach. North side (to Venus) has a length of about 2 km and a width of 100-150 meters. The entire length of the beach into the water is smooth.
Accommodation can be done both in hotels and villas, hostels and camping sites. Most hotels offer a nice view over the sea. There are a star resort hotels, two and three stars and was inaugurated in 2007 and only 5 star resort hotel - Hotel Saturn. It offers modern accommodation and quality services. Most three-star hotels are renovated and have swimming pools and hotels and Ballad Hora own and modern treatment facilities.
Hostels and villas are newly built and are generally concentrated in the Danube Holiday Village and Holiday Village Delta. For those who prefer accommodation in a tent and a campsite there.
Dining possibilities are many. Besides restaurants owned resorts are open to numerous terraces, pubs, pizzerias.
Saturn | Saturn is located near the resort town of Mangalia, 43 km from Constanta. Saturn North is adjacent to the resort spa Venus. In addition to recreational opportunities, the strength of the existing resort is mesothermal springs and sulphurous mud with therapeutic
value, used in treating gynecological diseases and the locomotion
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