About Baia Mare - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baia Mare recieved a rating of 3.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (6 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Baia Mare, Maramures
The town was first attested in 1329 in an act of the chancery of King Charles and was developed as a center for gold in the 14-15 centuries. In 1446 the city became Hunyadi his family. In 1469, under the leadership of the Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus (son of Iancu de Hunedoara) is fortified city.
Baia Mare is located in the western county of Maramures, Săsar River. With the built-up area of 234.7 km2, includes administration and rural municipality Blidari, Firiza Valea Black Valley.
Because the city's position at the foot of the Eastern Carpathians, around town there are several hills and mountains, the Flower Hill (367 m), Morgue Hill (633 m) Cross Hill (501 m), Ignis (1307 m), Mogoşa (1246 m), gout (1443 m), Cocosului Ridge (1450 m) Falcon Stone (839 m), Pleştioara (803 m), Bulat Hill (683 m) etc.
The hydrographic network is composed of Săsar River, which crosses the city from east to west, the river Firiza lake nearby with the dam Straits, Bodi Lake and Lake of the Mogoşa Ferneziu.
The region has a temperate oceanic climate - cold winters and cool summers. The average annual temperature is 9.6 ° C.
The vegetation of the region was made up to 80% of deciduous forests (beech, hornbeam and oak), which were cleared and replaced with agricultural crops. Baia Mare basin frame dominated forests of oak mixed with hornbeam. With large areas of the region are chestnut, being the largest area covered with chestnuts in Romania.
The fauna includes many species known from the Carpathian area: deer, deer, wolf, fox, rabbit, marten, squirrel. Birds, especially present in the beech forest are: grouse, pigeon hollow, huhurezu large pigeon hawk, owl, falcon. Huck live in mountain rivers, trout, pike and broad snout.
Baia Mare economy has developed in close connection with the activity specific to the mining and chemical industries.
In terms of town architecture, construction pond near the old town are filled today by the modern, specific local factors. It highlights the commercial area, which includes offices of banks, the firms, the largest stores in town.
Baia Mare has an airport, which was established in 1964. The first landing of an aircraft on these lands was in 1929, belonging to the Fleet Aviation Someşeni Cluj Guard, aboard the Queen Maria.In it being currently the only company operating flights TAROM International Airport Baia Mare, the Baia Mare Bucharest relationship.
Baia Mare | The town was first attested in 1329 in an act of the chancery of King Charles and was developed as a center for gold in the 14-15 centuries. In 1446 the city became Hunyadi his family. In 1469, under the leadership of the Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus
(son of Iancu de Hunedoara) is fortified city
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