About Campulung Moldovenesc - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Campulung Moldovenesc recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (7 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Campulung Moldovenesc, Bucovina
The first documentary to Campulung goes back to Alexander the Good (14 April 1411). In the Middle Ages, the settlement which took its name from the resemblance to a long valley on the river Moldova, at the foot of the mountain Rarău was Campulung County center, which included 15 settlements in the valleys of Moldova, Bistrita and willing.
In 1716 Cantemir mention in his "Descriptio Moldaviae" that county residents were organized in a kind of "independent republic" and refused to take orders from any local nobleman.
Peace of Kuciuk Kainarji 1774 decided that Moldova be attached upper Austro-Hungarian Empire. As an immediate result, followed the German and Slavic colonization.
In 1794 the town was declared fair, and in 1806 the town.
In the next period Campulung has experienced strong economic, social and cultural and population increased numerically at all times.
In 1923 the city became the county seat Campulung Bucovina.
In 1995 the city was declared a municipality.
In 2002, Campulung declared resort of local interest, and in 2005, declared Campulung resort of national interest.
The traveler who crosses the "Upper Country" Moldova's going to Transylvania Maramures historical legends guarded by the crown or the Romanian Carpathians will be delighted by the grandeur of the places and people you encounter the upper valley of Moldova.
One such place is the city of Campulung, located in a mountain depression at the northern foot of the mountain Rarău northern Carpathians.
Feredeului Obcina mountain peaks of north and south Rarău hillocks that surround the city precincts, I looked delight in any season you are, unique landscapes that bring you thoughts on Austrian Tyrol or cantons of eastern Switzerland.
Campulung Moldovenesc | Campulung is a municipality in Suceava County, in north-eastern Romania. The village is situated in the historical region of Southern Bucovina.
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