About Campulung Muscel - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Campulung Muscel recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Campulung Muscel, Muntenia
Is a city of Campulung Muscel Arges, Wallachia region. Depression is located in Campulung, Fair River at an altitude of 590 m above sea level on an area of 11.7 km ² and has a population of 40,000 inhabitants. It has the subordinated Rumanestilor Valley area.
Campulung Muscel is set in the midst of a unique natural environment characterized by a varied landscape: mountains, hills, mountain plateaus. The diversity of terrain units is due mainly to the complex geological structure.
Known as the first royal residence of the Romanian country here has its roots in Romanian first known document, letter Neacşu. The first documentary mention dates from 1300 (other sources mention the year 1292), Campulung being the oldest city in the Romanian Country.
In Campulung is a boulevard that has long boulevard called "Pardon." This is because the congestion was so great that the frequent clashes between the past inevitably leads to apology expressed everywhere in the expression "Pardon." "
Campulung Muscel | Is a city of Campulung Muscel Arges, Wallachia region. Depression is located in Campulung, Fair River at an altitude of 590 m above sea level on an area of 11.7 km ² and has a population of 40,000 inhabitants
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