About Corbu - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Corbu village is located 8 km. north of Mamaia resort and the town is bordered to the south and has a good connection Navodari county road, the DJ 226. It starts in the Midia Navodari relationships with DN 22 B, by Navodari - Ovid, DN 2 A - E 60 to Bucharest - Constanta and the seaside tourist area Navodari - Mamaia - Constanta.
Access to the area will improve with the completion of the highway that will take the final point 5 km from Corby expressly continued by a new road that will pass through the Danube Delta Corby. Nearby are Kogalniceanu Airport, an airport serving the city Constanta.Tot near the village, there is also
Because of the common law Histria Corbu Delta Reserve begins, the village is called "Delta anchor"
Corbu Beach it's located near the Village Corbu. Otherwise, even in the pointer entry in cumuna Corby, is a concrete road to the right that leads directly to the beach. To get to Lake Corbu will be left immediately after entering the village in the pointer "fishers."
Due to its location within walking distance to the resorts of Mamaia and Navodari South and North Reserve Danube Delta, but also because of investments made in recent years, the Corby has grown rapidly, and tends to become the newest resort on the European level Romanian seaside. Both the wide beach, the lakes are in close proximity, adding to them last investment in infrastructure and tourist facilities adds to its attractiveness for domestic and foreign tourists.
To spend a holiday tourists may opt for both passive recreation beach enjoying a very large and much less crowded than the beaches of nearby resorts, and also the network of lagoons and lakes that are part of the Danube Delta reserve and active recreation through new entertainment places located in the commune Corbu
Corbu | Corbu village is located 8 km. north of Mamaia resort and the town is bordered to the south and has a good connection Navodari county road, the DJ 226. It starts in the Midia Navodari relationships with DN 22 B, by Navodari - Ovid, DN 2 A - E 60 to Bucharest
- Constanta and the seaside tourist area Navodari - Mamaia - Constanta
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