About Covasna - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Covasna recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (225 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Covasna, Transilvania
Location: is at an altitude of 564 m, the slope of the eastern contact with the depression Barsa Vrancea Mountains, 31 km from Saint George, 60 km from Brasov.
The first courses were held in Covasna spa in the nineteenth century: mineral water was removed from wells cast in wooden tubs and heated with hot stones. And mofettes were actually large holes in the ground, with stairs, the patient with the whole body letting go and just head out into the open.
Today Covasna has a modern treatment base to come in any time of year, those who prefer a natural therapy against cardiovascular disease.
Climate: typical depressions subalpine, cool summers and cold winters. The annual average temperature is 7 grams. C. Average rainfall regime of 600 mm. Winds are weak, because the shelter provided by surrounding mountains.
Factors Natural Cure: carbonated mineral water, bicarbonate, chloride, sodium, hypotonic and hypertonic, containing carbonic acid; pits containing, at a rate of 80-93% carbon dioxide; bioclimate sparing sedative.
Indications: cardiovascular diseases, dermatological diseases, diseases of the glands and digestive tract, gynecological diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, diseases associated with aging.
Types of procedures: carbonated baths, pits, electrotherapy, currents diadynamics Neuroton, ultrasound, magnetodiaflux, shortwave, thermotherapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy.
Sights: Roman Soldier Monument, the "Pond of the Devil" (Pokolsár) - a monument of nature and a true symbol of the city, near which there are many springs of mineral water, inclined plane, Fairy Valley, Voinesti, Dalnic - a monument, Reformed Church, Ozun - fortified church, Peat - natural monument Varghis - Daffodil Glade - nature monument.
Covasna | Location: is at an altitude of 564 m, the slope of the eastern contact with the depression Barsa Vrancea Mountains, 31 km from Saint George, 60 km from Brasov.
The first courses were held in Covasna spa in the nineteenth century: mineral water was removed from wells cast in wooden tubs and heated with hot stones
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