About Cristian - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cristian recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (18 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Cristian, Transilvania
Cristian village is situated in the south east of the county of Brasov, a amplasandu the sides of the DN 73 road that links the capital of Romania, Bucharest, Pitesti, and in the north of the city of Cluj and Targu Mures . In the area bordering the perimeter of town, this town is bordered in the north Ghimbav, west of the village of Vulcan, the Rasnov Southern and Eastern Brasov that it lies about 8 km.
Structura nationala a populatie comunei Cristian este preponderent romana aceasta fiind in procent de 98% , restul fiind germani si maghiari . În centrul comunei Cristian se află biserica fortificată săsească. Corpul basilical iniţial a fost ridicat in stil romanic având insă elemente sculpturale de factură gotică(din care se mai păstrează o rozasă integrală si trei chei de boltă decorate cu bustul lui Isus, un Agnus dei si o floare de cireş) care demonstreaza prezenta unui atelier de filiaţie cisterciană (adică aflat sub influenta mânăstiri de la Cârţa).
Cristian | Cristian village is situated in the south east of the county of Brasov, a amplasandu the sides of the DN 73 road that links the capital of Romania, Bucharest, Pitesti, and in the north of the city of Cluj and Targu Mures
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