About Dumbraveni - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Dumbraveni recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Dumbraveni, Marginimea Sibiului
Archaeological sites, known to us so far, in the precincts of the city and its surroundings present evidence of human presence on these lands, since very remote times in the basin Tirnavelor identified traces of our ancestors of the Thracians and Dacians, and recently on the current land mail, have found traces of human life that dates back to the Iron Age, ie aproape3.000 years ago. Near the town, on the road that leads to the Saros were traces of the Celts. Dumbraveni South Station on the main road leading to Sighisoara, the earth is a career.
Here came the bill Celtic artifacts from the period of La Tene, Dacian few skeletons and cups, which were mostly destroyed by the quarry workers. From a very brief research area, made several years ago, could have saved two urns and a few cups Celtic Dacian. Celtic boxes that contained calcined bones indicate a cemetery and a settlement Dacian cups.
Cemetery is located on the edge of the Celtic Dacian settlement. In a Celtic tomb was discovered and a dish Dacian, otherwise known fact and other findings from this bill. Celtic have won the battle in the area Dumbraveni but later reaching a deal with the natives, and how many put in their tombs as a dish Dacian awe towards them.
On the basis of findings from this point, certainly we can talk about the Dumbraveni Dacian settlement.
Future excavations will remove Dacian materials and other items on the hearth of the city's current Dumbraveni. Dacian settlements are known in several localities around Dumbraveni. Another for instance, is Dacian settlement on the border "Meadow wells" in turkeys.
Also, around Dumbraveni Biertan, Dupus, Gogan-Varol, Ormenis, Prod, and Smig Senereus were found numerous traces of Roman settlements powerful, slave era. Based on archaeological discoveries reached the conclusion that human settlement occurred Dumbraveni century ahead. She had to grow faster, but only after a wave of emigration, life evolved after the appearance of the town. When we trace the time domination Dumbraveni Avars, dating from the eighth century. Damages, which was a semi-nomadic people, invaded Asia in the sixth century and settled in Pannonia, but also in parts of Transylvania.
Avars in the Danube plain invasion put Europe in front of a danger similar to that of the Huns of Attila's time. The first was threatened eastern Roman Empire. Damages have come up in front of Constantinople, but were repulsed. Roman Empire and later makes confederiatii give them financial aid. Charlemagne will be that in the years 796-797 would destroy forever the power of the Avars. According to archaeological discoveries, accidents have been identified in the basin Tirnavelor at Tarnava (worst Mare) Medias, arm and Dumbraveni.
The pattern was found Dumbraveni massive bronze semicircular contour, whose ends are extended in a straight line. Coated surface is divided into areas corresponding to the outline, 5-6 cm diameter.
Dumbraveni pattern of production is considered as a tool, for it has been used for decorative pieces used on the belt pressing or arrangement. The ancient documents, Dumbraveni Ebesfalva name appears, that the village Ebes probably uniu feudal name. They said Ibasfalau Romans, who kept the name until today.
After their first written attestation of 1374, gradually growing number of news. Existing Dumbraveni (Ebesfalva) is mentioned in various documents from the years 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1448. In a document dated 1471 we find that nobleman whose family owns Ianos Bethlen very large area that included several chapels in Blaj, Cris, Alba-Iulia, and settlements including the Ebesfalva; demanded division between the heirs of this vast area .
Another document from 1516 reminds us of the existence of a church where the service is made in Slavonic, which proves that the population was composed of Orthodox. During backup feudal domination in Transylvania, the Romanian peasants Tarnava, organized in the community and led by juzi and princes, are gradually being dispossessed of their properties and become serfs. Was enthroned in this region during a brutal slavery, which led to escape many serfs on feudal estates and even some local debris. Romanian peasants from these places have participated in the largest uprisings, as the Szeklers in 1562. They arrived at camp until Hoghilag these, together with local Romanian serfs from feudal castle destroyed Dumbraveni.
In the following centuries, in the city and surrounding Dumbraveni be spending a number of political and military events. In 1605 the town was conquered by the army of Radu Serban, the Romanian ruler and wielded for eight months. In 1552 the powerful feudal Apaffy Gregory, who was then prefect of the court Dobica Martinuzzi and deputy marshal, governor of Transylvania, buy all the existing estates and built the castle fortress Dumbraveni here. In the meantime, the city formed Dumbraveni.
In 1590 Nicholas Apaffy, prefect of Balta Castle County (Tarnava) move their official headquarters Dumbraveni castle. From this time the city gets more and more Dumbraveni function of Moor area of the city. After Michael Apaffy defeat attempts to overthrow enemies, place a long time to reign, and thus becomes fair Dumbraveni residence.
On 27 November 1685 to sign Michael Apaffy Dumbraveni with Antidie Dunot king's envoy, a treaty is obliged to maintain the imperial army. During the reign of Michael pricipelui Apaffy I Dumbraveni Fair has extensive relations with the countries of Romania, both political and economic.
Dumbraveni | Dumbrăveni, before 1945 Ibaşfalău (German: Elisabethstadt, Saxon dialect: Eppeschdorf; Hungarian: Erzsébetváros), is a town in the north of Sibiu County, in the centre of Transylvania, central Romania
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