About Dunavatul De Jos - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Dunavatul De Jos recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (15 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Dunavatul De Jos, Delta Dunarii
Lower Village belongs to the village Dunavatul Murighiol and is an old fisherman's village. It has the advantage of being directly linked by road from the town of Tulcea.
It is located in the Dobrogea horst contact with the depression of Ostrov Dranov delta in the north-east of Tulcea County, is a township in the village Murighiol.
The settlement dates back to ancient times, its name having origins in the Slavic name - Dunaveţ (Small Danube) - Girl of the link between the St. George arm of the Danube and Razim - Sinoe.
Ties on land and on water with neighboring towns, including the city of Tulcea, and permanence traces historical, cultural and traditional roots entwined with the local community - Ukrainian ethnicity is predominant - generates a mood of school students continue to open , search and community understanding of environmental features.
Dunavatul De Jos | Lower Village belongs to the village Dunavatul Murighiol and is an old fisherman's village. It has the advantage of being directly linked by road from the town of Tulcea.
It is located in the Dobrogea horst contact with the depression of Ostrov Dranov delta in the north-east of Tulcea County, is a township in the village Murighiol
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