About Fagaras - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The village is situated on a terrace, relatively low, left bank of the Olt, cut of the old riverbed of the river Berivoi.
Fagaras was in ancient times, with Barsa, a refuge area before the enemy, because of its favorable geographic position. Situated on the row component of the Romanian Country (Fagaras and Almas feudal estates rediscovered in the great princely title of Mircea the Old) and the lordship of the kings of Hungary, Romanian territory is the homeland of the ancient mother once with Great Union of December 1, 1918.
Fagaras City, with its centuries-old city, has long been the political-administrative center of the province, as the residence of the district until 1886, the county between 1886 and 1918 and then the county seat between 1918 and 1950, polarizing the entire economic life, social political and cultural area. in 1968, with the new administrative-territorial reorganization, the former county became part of the current Fagaras Brasov, Brasov county seat being the last city.
The most important water course is River Olt area that the city has a rate of 49 Fagaras IN3 / sec. The crowd left tributaries of the Olt cause great harm nearly doubling the flow rate (there were situations that were formed flood the valleys of these rivers have caused flooding of the meadow and the Olt).
Climate Fagaras city, as it's whole depression, influenced by the presence of mountains, is characterized by frequent temperature inversions, especially in winter. Are specific to the hot air currents fonh character which in late winter and early spring, melting snow sudden (they are locally called "snow-eater" or "great wind"). Prevailing winds in the western region are wet.
This preponderant forest soil is one of the indications of the existence, once, the extensive forests that covered the vacuum Fagaras. Toponymy of the area is also meaningful for this geographical reality, but also indicate human action done in the deforestation to increase arable land for grazing, depression is still preserved today only a few clumps of woods - beech or oak - as is the houses known as "Clearing the Daffodils" by Vad.
Fagaras | The village is situated on a terrace, relatively low, left bank of the Olt, cut of the old riverbed of the river Berivoi.
Fagaras was in ancient times, with Barsa, a refuge area before the enemy, because of its favorable geographic position
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