About Geoagiu Bai - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Geoagiu Bai recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (126 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Geoagiu Bai, Transilvania
Geoagiu City is situated at the confluence with the lower river Mures Geoagiu in a depression formed in the last branch of the Ore Mountains.
The village is known by the Romans when Gemisara and was named after Dodoni Thermae. Unearthing the statues representing the witness stand Aegean Aesculapius and intense life of those times.
The climate is moderate depression intramontane, soothing, mild winters (average January temperature of -2 degrees Celsius) and pleasant summers (July average temperature around 20 degrees). The average annual temperature is 9.8 degrees Celsius.
Attractions are the trails marked for mountain tourism and historical monuments that have their origins in antiquity (ancient buildings, bathroom basins, inscriptions and statues dedicated to gods of healing).
Besides the historical relics and beautiful mountain resort Ore is recommended for mesothermal mineral waters used for internal treatment (chronic gastritis, chronic hepatobiliary disease and diabetes, allergies, anemia and convalescence after infectious diseases) and external (musculoskeletal disorders, peripheral nervous system in circulatory disorders and gynecological).
Geoagiu Bai | Geoagiu City is situated at the confluence with the lower river Mures Geoagiu in a depression formed in the last branch of the Ore Mountains.
The village is known by the Romans when Gemisara and was named after Dodoni Thermae
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