About Jurilovca - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Jurilovca recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Jurilovca, Delta Dunarii
Jurilovca village was founded by the verge Lipovan nineteenth century, the first document dates from 1826. Although its inception was a small hamlet, settlement developed in the late nineteenth century became a center of fishing importing delta, is now the largest community of fishermen in the Delta Center collection and processing of fish and a point tourist attraction.
Lippovans are ethnically Russian, and in terms of religious Orthodox Old Believers (Starovers). This confession is the result Nikonian reform: in 1654 the Russian Orthodox Church partriarhul Nikon, initiated a religious reform that sought to align the rest of the Russian Orthodox church cult, cult uniform throughout Russia (a formal reform).
The result was the division of Russian society:
- Nikonian - those who supported reform, and
- Staroveri (the old faith) - those who refused to reform.
The latter, because of persecution, migrated out of Russia, some of them reaching the territory of Romania (northern Moldavia and the Danube mouths).
From Jurilovca can be reached by boat at the mouth Portiţei, a holiday village situated on the narrow stretch of land between the lake and the Black Sea Golovita. The area is part of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
The specifics of the community is closely connected to the settlement of the village on the banks Razim-Sinoe and traditions Lipovan. Community religious holidays celebrated by the Julian calendar, which is delayed by 14 days from the Gregorian calendar (eg, New Year is celebrated on January 14). The most important religious celebration is lippovan Protection of the Theotokos - "Pokrov" - (October 14), and the day that celebrates Lippovans Fish Day, the celebration lasts three days. Another important aspect that contributes to the uniqueness of the community is traditionally lipovens port, which is binding in the church.
Russian-Lippovan houses have also some features, façade colors are generally white and blue, and the roof is made of reeds. Lippovan is a traditional bathroom facility - a building separate from the house itself, before major holidays or traditional bathroom was almost a ritual
Jurilovca | Jurilovca village was founded by the verge Lipovan nineteenth century, the first document dates from 1826. Although its inception was a small hamlet, settlement developed in the late nineteenth century became a center of fishing importing delta, is now
the largest community of fishermen in the Delta Center collection and processing of fish and a point tourist attraction
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