About Mahmudia - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Mahmudia recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (11 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Mahmudia, Delta Dunarii
Mahmudia village is situated on the right bank of Sf. Gheorghe. Sat-residence shared with other villages today, is located about 34 km E of the county seat, on the right bank of Sf. Gheorghe, at the eastern foot of the hill Beştepe. Vatra village is separated from County Road 222C, marking the west which is in the foothills Beştepe. Mahmudia is bounded by the following territories: Maliuc north, east and south and west Murighiol Bestepe and Mahmudia villages. Mahmud some of the villages that were reorganized in 2004, separating from Beştepe. The specific character of the village is pronounced urban appearance due to numerous buildings designed especially for miners come from everywhere to work in quarries in the area (Mahmudia Bestepe, etc.).
Mahmudia | Mahmudia was born on the site of an ancient Roman settlement, City Cross, whose ruins are still visible on one of the five hills
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