About Navodari - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Navodari recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (41 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Navodari, Romanian Seaside
The city is located in the central area Năvodari the county of Constanta, on the southern shore of Lake Tasaul and Siutghiol isthmus between it and the lake. It is situated at a distance of 15 km from Constanta, its neighbors to the North - and the village of Lake Tasaul Sibioara, South - Lake Siutghiol and Mamaia, the West - the area of Light, and east - the Black Sea.
Navodariul is known mainly through the camp complex, considered the biggest in south-eastern Europe. Pearl Camp has a capacity of 870 rooms with 8-11 beds. In the area there is a beach Navodari the width of Mamaia, but stretched to 12-15 km, which is not formally designed and maintained by local authorities but which is by far one of the best natural beaches on the Romanian coast. Many local companies have built in recent years, hotels, hostels and villas in order to attract tourists Navodari Navodari
Navodari final destination Gate Canal Alba - Midia Navodari, which is part of the Danube - Black Sea with a length of 64.2 km. Canal linking Cernavoda Agigea - Constanta and allows river and sea vessels with a displacement of up to 5,000 dwt.
The resort is desirable both for leisure and recreation summer vacations, and to treat growth disorders of children of secondary anemia, rickets, rheumatic diseases or dermatoses, natural cure factors are the maritime climate, rich in salt and water dispenser Black Sea.
The resort polyclinics, serving a la carte restaurants, slides, sports (basketball, football, tennis, volleyball), summer theater, discos.
Navodari | The city is located in the central area Năvodari the county of Constanta, on the southern shore of Lake Tasaul and Siutghiol isthmus between it and the lake. It is situated at a distance of 15 km from Constanta, its neighbors to the North - and the village
of Lake Tasaul Sibioara, South - Lake Siutghiol and Mamaia, the West - the area of Light, and east - the Black Sea
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