About Ocna Sibiului - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ocna Sibiului recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (4 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Ocna Sibiului, Marginimea Sibiului
Ocna Sibiu climatic health resort, is located in the city with the same name, 12 km.de Sibiu, giving access to national road, railway and the Sibiu International Airport. Placed as a nest in the hills, Ocna Sibiu is immersed in silence and peace, being characterized by a form of relief hills with gentle slopes, the city away from the winds and currents of cold air coming from the mountain, which cause small variations in temperature between seasons, with gentle transitions from one regime to another heat. The area falls within the temperate continental climate of the plateau with some hills and local nuances (winter temperature inversions, calm atmosphere, strong insolation) climatic features have an important role in preventing and treating diseases.
Possessing a rich resort mainly hydrological element represented by lakes totaling an area of 35,700 square meters of hydrological and a volume of 265,700 cubic meters. The salinity increases toward the bottom of the lake water surface, the maximum (320 g / l) was reached at the contact with massive jumps.
Crystal salt, so commonplace in certain respects (shape, color, chemical formula, etc..) Stunned, still, in addition to specific sensory effect, the healing properties they possess.
At Ocna Sibiu are 15 natural lakes, including lakes Brancoveanu, Red Lake and White are the salt of Europe with a salinity of 415 gr / liter of Salt Lake Avram Iancu, the deepest lake salt mine in Romania 130 m, and the Bottomless Lake is a natural monument by the unique phenomenon of heliothermic. Microorganisms found in lakes called Artemia salina in a stunning form as fossil mud supropelic indicated for musculoskeletal diseases, especially for treating rheumatism.
In the heart of the whole ensemble saline Spa Complex Ocna Sibiu is the three lakes and springs - Horia Crisan and hen - a reputation nationally and internationally
Resort Ocna Sibiu has history, being able to admire here Brancoveanu Church, Castle Church, but also the possibility of hiking and fishing. All this awaits you throughout the year.
It also possesses a natural park area with a leafy area of 15 hectares located nearby.
Ocna Sibiului | Ocna Sibiu climatic health resort, is located in the city with the same name, 12 km.de Sibiu, giving access to national road, railway and the Sibiu International Airport. Placed as a nest in the hills, Ocna Sibiu is immersed in silence and peace, being
characterized by a form of relief hills with gentle slopes, the city away from the winds and currents of cold air coming from the mountain, which cause small variations in temperature between seasons, with gentle transitions from one regime to another heat
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