About Polovragi - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The access in the locality is an easy one being crossed by DN 67 (Târgu Jiu – Râmnicu Vâlcea) to the south and by the county road 665 detached from DN 67 on the route Horezu - Vaideeni - Polovragi - Novaci - Bumbești Jiu.
The area is characterized by an ancient dwelling, fact proven by numerous archaeological researches. A two-level Dacian settlement was discovered, dating from the second century. II - I Hr. A level of the settlement was located at the height on the Plateau of Padea and Ursache's Cross and functioned as a fortress of refuge. Another level, down near the exit of Olteț from Chei, at the point called "Gura Pietrei", a level that functioned as a civil settlement.
Polovragi | Polovragi is located in Polovragi Depression, Gorj County, a depression located in the south-western central part of the country, being part of the Subcarpathian Oltean Depression between Bistrița Vâlcii and Tismana, being in the middle of the distance
between Târgu Jiuâ Râmnicu
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