About Praid - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Praid recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (8 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Praid, Transilvania
Mine is a resort village situated at an altitude of 500-525m, Harghita County, surrounded by famous tourist destination with an old, well and Corund Sovata, but blessed with a salt mine.
Praid has created a well-deserved reputation own spectacular combines the rustic charm of village Székely, developing structure, rural-tourism, spa and entertainment.
The springs are found mine hyperthermia (49 degrees) and a mountain of salt salt springs and salt clints.
In statiune there is a landscaped swimming pool with salt water, which are arranged near the hot salt baths (in valves) salt water is heated in boilers. These baths are very effective in treating rheumatism. Iodine and salt water has a calming, relaxing physically and mentally.
Salt baths on the whole body with a calming, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, sterilizing the skin and mucous membranes, healing.
Bath lasts 10 minutes per day, up to 30 minutes depending on the individual. Salty water temperature is 36 degrees. A treatment consists of 10-14 hot baths without interruption. Salt baths work during June 1 to October 15.
The resort has a specific climate mine shelter cold winters and cool summers.
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Praid | Mine is a resort village situated at an altitude of 500-525m, Harghita County, surrounded by famous tourist destination with an old, well and Corund Sovata, but blessed with a salt mine.
Praid has created a well-deserved reputation own spectacular combines the rustic charm of village Székely, developing structure, rural-tourism, spa and entertainment
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