About Sibiu Bazna - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sibiu Bazna recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (8 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sibiu Bazna, Transilvania
Attested since 1302, an act that justifies the Board of monasteries in Oradea donated a Saxon town named Bazna to the Catholic Church in Alba Iulia.
Contributing begin setting up the resort since 1671, when some shepherds found the deposit of natural gas in Bazna. This, as well as by later discovered mineral waters, the resort has attracted attention not only to people ofTransylvania, but from other places.
In November 1814 it decides to build a spa establishment, in 1835 have made the first arrangements: 4 cabins and a heating water boilers, and only in 1843, completes the project.
In 1877 bathing pass in possession of the rich man Brekner Medias , that the lease for 70 years, he systematically built facilities, which have contributed to the development and modernization of the resort.
In 1949 the Bazna baths were put into administration Ministry of Health, and in 1950 if by then he had a seasonal pattern - a resort becomes permanent.
In subsequent years the resort has developed continuously Bazna: new capacities were built accommodation
treatment facilities and socio-cultural features. So today Bazna ensure treatment in rheumatic diseases, and gynecological, physiotherapy, ENT, aromatherapy, homeoterapie, refloxoterapie.
Salt-iodine mineral waters (used as the bath), mud Bazna (which is suitable for packing), Bazna salt (which is used as compresses, poultices), temperate climate and tourist attractions of the area attracts many tourists every year .
Sibiu Bazna | Attested since 1302, an act that justifies the Board of monasteries in Oradea donated a Saxon town named Bazna to the Catholic Church in Alba Iulia.
Contributing begin setting up the resort since 1671, when some shepherds found the deposit of natural gas in Bazna
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