About Sighetu Marmatiei - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sighetu Marmatiei recieved a rating of 4.9 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (18 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramures
Municipality belongs administratively Sighetu Marmatiei Maramures county, situated in northern Romania, on the border with the Republic of Ukraine. As it is positioned off center position against the territory or influence (Maramures History), but the convergence of five main valleys in the region (Iza Valley, Great Valley, Valley Cosău Tisza Valley and the Valley of dreams.
Sighet (situated at an altitude of 274 m) microdepresiunii them belonged to Sighet, Maramures included in Depression. This area is dominated by hills and Maramures Solovan Hill, which towers over the piedmont and mountains Mara-Sapanta Ignis (the highest point on the radius of the municipality - Mount Tiganu 1222m). Intreavilan area of the town is bordered entirely apropae Tisa (which represents the line of demarcation of national territory), Iza and Ronisoara.
Access car is made by moving into town Gutai Mountains, Tibles, Rodnei or Maramures Mountains, and then via the main valleys of Maramures Depression. Thus only four roads connecting Sighet (ie Land of Maramures) the rest of the country: from DN 19 Satu Mare's Pass Farge, DN 18 from the county capital, Baia Mare, Gutai Pass, DN 17C (186 or DJ then went DN 18) from Bistrita-Nasaud by Setref Pass, DN 18 from Suceava county, by Prislop.
Sighetu Marmatiei | Municipality belongs administratively Sighetu Marmatiei Maramures county, situated in northern Romania, on the border with the Republic of Ukraine. As it is positioned off center position against the territory or influence (Maramures History), but the
convergence of five main valleys in the region (Iza Valley, Great Valley, Valley Cosău Tisza Valley and the Valley of dreams
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