About Slanic Moldova - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Slanic Moldova recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (111 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Slanic Moldova, Moldavia
Slanic Moldova is situated on the eastern slope of the Eastern Carpathians (the mountain Nemira) at a height of 530 m on the valley Slănic. The city takes place in a depression covered with deciduous and coniferous forests. Slanic-Moldova, a city in eastern Romania (Bacau County) located Slănic River (a tributary of Trotus) at Nemira Mountains (Eastern Carpathians), elevation 530 m, in a valley surrounded by forests of beech and fir, the 84 km southwest of the city of Bacau (Bacau county). All-season resort, with an intra-depression temperate climate, with a pure air free of dust and particles that can cause allergies, and rich in resinous aerosols and negative ions. The average annual temperature is 7.4 ° C.
The resort is famous for its springs of carbonate, bicarbonate, slightly sulfurous, chlorinated, sodium, hypertonic, hypotonic and oligo springs discovered in 1801. In 1852 the first chemical tests were performed, and in 1877 were first spa facilities.
Slanic Moldova | Slanic Moldova is situated on the eastern slope of the Eastern Carpathians (the mountain Nemira) at a height of 530 m on the valley Slănic. The city takes place in a depression covered with deciduous and coniferous forests
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