About Slanic Prahova - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Slanic Prahova recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (4 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Slanic Prahova, Muntenia
Spa resort, including the center of Salt Salt Mountain is unique in the world and the largest salt mine in Europe, a city surrounded by spectacular scenery and providing accommodation, treatment and devertisment various Slanic Prahova is the ideal place for spending holidays.
The distinct beauty of the landscape adjacent, local climate peculiarities determined by location in the hearth of a river not far from the last depression and mountain peaks and the presence of remarkable sights and spectacular scale of the bases and treatment recognized are prerequisites for a pleasant stay, quiet and restful.
Continuous development of the city, upgrading bathrooms and complex arrangement of beaches and terraces inside their boarding houses are new and summer terraces and park are reasons to believe Slanic an attractive tourist resort for young people.
Slanic Prahova | Spa resort, including the center of Salt Salt Mountain is unique in the world and the largest salt mine in Europe, a city surrounded by spectacular scenery and providing accommodation, treatment and devertisment various Slanic Prahova is the ideal place
for spending holidays
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