About Slatina - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Slatina is located in the south, in the north-central and western Olt county historical region Muntenia. Also, the position of the city can be characterized as the Olt River valley, a wide corridor, well defined and delimited in a contact zone of two major relief units - Piedmont Piedmont and Oltenia Plain. The town is about 50 km from the city of Craiova, Pitesti 70km and 190 km from the capital Bucharest.
In terms of morphology, location of Slatina is limited to the valley of the river Olt, left his development and limited to the north by the southern extensions of the Piedmont Plateau, ie, by its subdivisions east by Olteţului Hills, north Cotmeana platform, east part of the field Boianului. In the south the valley is bounded by subdivision contact Romanaţiului plain on the left bank of the Olt River Plain Boianului. Also we can say that Slatina is located on the last hills of Cotmeana Platform (Piedmont Plateau subdivision) in contact with the Plain Slatina. The city becomes a physical-geographical unit at the south-western Cotmeana Platform. Altitudes in the city ranges from 130-135 meters in the meadow itself Olt River (south and west) at 172 meters high in the north areas (average terrace Olt river).
The city gave important scholars of the twentieth century: here was born Eugene Ionesco, famous writer and avant-garde theater and Ion Minulescu spent holidays here, grandparents, known Romanian symbolist poet whose romantic later known success great (especially after his death in 1944).
Slatina | Slatina is the capital and largest city of Olt county, Romania. The town is located in southern Romania, on the left bank of the river Olt in the historical region Muntenia Oltenia contact with the contact zone between the Piedmont Plateau and the Romanian
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