About Sovata - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sovata recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (353 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sovata, Transilvania
All-season resort, Sovata was first mentioned as a place for healing in a document dated 1597, but only a resort in 1850. It is surrounded by hills Cireselu (912 m), Chapel (720 m), Bechiş (1,079 m) and Mt Low Salt Hill, covered with forests of beech, oak, hornbeam, elm, chestnut, fir and birch.
The resort has a subalpine climate with cool summers (July average temperature is 18.5 ° C) and mild winters (average temperature in January is -3.5 ° C). The average annual temperature is 7.6 ° C and average annual rainfall is 750 mm.
The fame of the resort is made lakes Ursu (46,000 m2), Aluniş (9,000 m2), Green (5.000m2), Black, Red, blackbird and snakes with chlorinated water (with high concentration - from 40 to 250 g / liter) and sodium , presenting heliothermic (summer temperature varies depending on the accumulation of solar heat in salt water, hot water was protected by a layer of fresh water from the rivulets, which is mixed with salt water, but remains on the surface, acting as a thermal insulator). This summer, the temperature Bear Lake (18.4 m depth), the largest lake heliothermal to vary between 10-20 ° C at the surface, 30-40 ° C at a depth of 1 m and 40-60 ° C depth of 1.5 m.
The resort is indicated for the treatment of gynecological diseases (ovarian insufficiency, chronic cervicitis, chronic metrosalpingită sterility) but also to degenerative diseases, inflammatory and rheumatic diseases (cervical, dorsal and lumbar osteoarthritis, poliartroză, joint pain, tendinitis, tendimiozită, arthritis, scapulohumeral periarthritis) , posttraumatismale states (healed after surgery to joints, muscles, bones, dislocations and sprains), diseases of the peripheral nervous system (slight paralysis, sequelae of poliomyelitis, polyneuritis), endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, endocrinological treatment), cardiovascular disease (ulcers, acrocyanosis).
The resort benefits from multiple facilities (for warm baths in the tub or basin with salty mineral water taken from lakes, for gynecological treatments and mud wraps warm pool for physiotherapy, electrotherapy and hydrotherapy facilities, saunas, gyms, medical, beaches the Bear Lake and Lake Aluniş etc.).
Sovata | All-season resort, Sovata was first mentioned as a place for healing in a document dated 1597, but only a resort in 1850. It is surrounded by hills Cireselu (912 m), Chapel (720 m), Bechiş (1,079 m) and Mt Low Salt Hill, covered with forests of beech,
oak, hornbeam, elm, chestnut, fir and birch
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