About Tarlungeni - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Tarlungeni recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Tarlungeni, Transilvania
It is bordered by administrative territory of the city of Brasov, the municipality and communes Săcele Prejmer, Harman, and Customs Budila lip. Tărlungeni village is located in Barsa depression at the foot Ciucaş at a distance of ten kilometers from Brasov and crossed the creek waters Tărlung. Complex of Barsa depression, it is down and this town was once a seabed that was gradually filled in a long time, the silt brought down from the mountain waters. This meant that in some parts, Barsa depression get and a more smooth plains. This plain area extends a considerable distance around the Carpathian bend. A part of this plain is the plain and piedmont Săcele the fall in terms of geomorphology and topography Tărlungeni village.
Tarlungeni | Tărlungeni is a village in the county of Brasov, Transylvania, Romania, contained in the administrative territory of Brasov County, is located in the southeast of. It Tărlungeni village resident. Distance between Brasov and Tarlungeni county seat is 17
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