About Tismana - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Tismana is located in southwestern Romania, in the north-west of the county of Gorj. It is situated 30 km from Tg. Jiu.
Tismana has villages with population over 1000 inhabitants (Tismana Pocruia, Sohodol) sized villages with a population between 501 and 1000 inhabitants (Gornoviţa, Costeni, The) and small villages with population less than 500 inhabitants (Vanata, Topesti, Valcele, and Isvarna Racoti).
City Tismana is attested by the 1385 decree by the ruler Dan I, and in documents of the fifteenth and centuries XVI (September 3. 1841 and January 11. 1585) reported finding "Tismana city," which shows an early development of some elements of urban society in this area.
Tismana is a place full of history, all the churches were built within or near the old place of Christian churches of wood, which in turn were built on the old places of worship getics, "pagan", which were then Christian. The old pre-Christian religious denominations were adapted Christian churches bearing the stamp dedication.
Thus, "instead arranged" ("diz" + "meni") for meetings related to the cult of pagan mother in Pre Christian, is christened by building a church dedicated to Virgin Mary. Later here it starts planning ground plateau in the east of siga blocks and thrusts of the yew wood. In the middle, on the eastern side, the first church built in the yew, which by natural position, had the allure of the city is called "Tis" + "Mean", hence the name Tismena then Tismana attested only between 1364-1373.
Besides the village churches we find Tismana ANTREC rural tourism network organized in 17 boarding houses operating in about 50 people, the association of livestock breeders, six cultural homes (Tismana, Topesti, Pocruia, Costeni, Sohodol Isvarna) and also evidence of the presence of archaeological sites developed for conducting pre-Christian religious rites gete, evidence of contacts with the Egyptian civilization through the Pharaonic expeditions to the Ister and here is the oldest living musteriana identified in Romania.
Tismana | Tismana is a town in Gorj County, Oltenia, Romania, declared city only on 5 April 2004. The village is known because at North River Valley Tismana is Tismana monastery and here are made carpets Tismana and Oltenia,symbols of traditional art and craft ,
and there isplenty of hunting
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