About Vatra Dornei - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Vatra Dornei recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (162 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Vatra Dornei, Bucovina
Worcester resort, known as the "Pearl of Bucovina", is situated at an altitude of 802m in Dorna Depression, the distance of 112km and 89km from Bistrita Nasaud, Suceava, Bistrita Aurie to the confluence with Dorna. Dorna region is protected from being defended by winds that protect the Carpathians. The area has a temperate continental alpine shade, with an average annual temperature of 4.5 degrees C.
High rainfall and relief in the form of terraces have favored the development of a large groundwater, which emerges in the form of mineral water springs. One can say that here we are in a real kingdom of mineral water, industrial and operated Poiana Negri and Floreni Sarului Wah.
Worcester is known as a resort for all ages, addressing both those who want to strengthen the body through mountain climbing or winter sports, or who wish to rest in a bioclimate stimulant tonic influence on the nervous system . To restore health Wah offers natural cure factors such as:
-Carbonated mineral water springs
-Hot springs, bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium and sulfur
Natural salt-pits of high purity and concentration of CO2
Peat-mud near Poiana Stamps
The resort chairlift climbs over a distance of 3 km to the top of Black Hill at 1300 m altitude. The view is spectacular descent.
Mountain bike rides on trails especially fascinates young, eager to test their physical skills.
For intrepid have two special offers: river rafting and paragliding.
Lowering the water with inflatable boat show is Bistrita, courage and skill. Prefesional equipment and highly trained instructors give maximum security to the sport.
Those who wish are able to conduct training courses for drivers with a duration of one week. And gliding is gaining ground. Paintball - land arranged near the chairlift, location Bizom Source
Worcester is primarily white sports town. Ski and sled for competitions and recreational receive each year thousands of tourists from the country but also abroad, as well as amateur athletes.
Ski slopes are equipped with cable transport installations. Of great interest became snow-mobile descents. A part of your holiday or leave from Worcester, one can establish traditions and knowledge of religious tourism in the area.
The most representative monuments of medieval Moldova are concentrated in Bukovina. Five of the northern monasteries are true diamonds of the land, the imaginary crown of Romania's beauties. Specific architecture and exterior painting are amazing Voronet, Humor, Moldova, Sucevita and Putna.
Vatra Dornei | Worcester resort, known as the "Pearl of Bucovina", is situated at an altitude of 802m in Dorna Depression, the distance of 112km and 89km from Bistrita Nasaud, Suceava, Bistrita Aurie to the confluence with Dorna
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