City Hotels Bors, Crisana Romania 2025
Filters: Category: City hotels× (2 offers, 50LEI - 500LEI)
Hotel Iris, Bors

Hotel Iris

Bors, Crisana, Romania

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • No transport provided

About BorsDetails and images of Bors


Bors is a village in Bihor county, Transylvania, Romania, located 5 km from Oradea on the Romanian-Hungarian border crossing is on DN1. The village resident Bors.

Recommendations for travel Bors

An attraction of the village is building Bors Communal People's Council, which dates back as early construction of the nineteenth century.

In fiecare an, in Comuna Bors sunt organizate diverse evenimente culturale, artistice si sportive, cum ar fi :

* Zilele Comunei Bors, eveniment organizat de primaria locala in ultimul weekend al lunii iulie;
* Zilele Sportului, eveniment organizat de UDTM Bihor, filiala Bors;
* Balul strugurilor, organizat in lunile septembrie si octombrie;
* Ziua Apei si Pamantului (martie , aprilie);
* Comemorarea diverselor evenimente istorice;
* Spectacole cu diferite trupe de teatru, inclusiv teatru de papusi.