About Baile Govora - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baile Govora recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (114 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Baile Govora, Valea Oltului
Govora Spa is located in Valcea County in the north-eastern Carpathian depression Oltenia, 21 km from Ramnicul Valcea, a derivation of the road to Horezu and Targu-Jiu, at an altitude of 360-380 m, located in a region of hills covered by forests of beech, oak, spruce, pine and acacia, with an area of 370 ha.
Park spa, designed by landscape architect Emil Pinard, is unique in its specific architecture of the early twentieth century - century. Its ecosystem that brings together indigenous hardwood species, mountain habitat characteristics (conifers) and exotic species that live in perfect harmony reinforce the feeling of uniqueness and grandeur.
Baile Govora resort certified as national interest. Thus, in the resort there are: shops, bank, currency exchange, lotto agency, conference rooms, permanent care and transportation to medical emergencies, medical spa, pharmacy, tourist information center, museum of archeology, places The illuminated and landscaped promenades, sports grounds, playgrounds for children, about the spa park. 15 ha.
Govora Băile name and its history link at the Monastery is located in the town Govora Govora Village in Valcea county.
Top of mineral water discovery was made by the inhabitants of villages in the area in summer 1876.
Specifics of Baile Govora climate temperatures are recorded at 14.00 hours when they are positive throughout the year. The total annual number of winter days is 28. Number of summer days with temperatures above 25 ° C is about 89 days annually, of which 25 days are in July.
The spa is recommended for the treatment of respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung enfizem, microbial or viral pneumonia, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc..) Degenerative diseases (spondylosis, arthrosis, poliartroze) and rheumatic diseases (tendonitis, scapulohumeral periarthritis tendomyositis ), as in the treatment of peripheral and central neurological dysfunction (mild paralysis, sequelae after poliomyelitis, etc..) and of post-traumatic dysfunction and associated diseases (gynecological, endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary). Balneology complexes are endowed with modern bathroom facilities with iodine and sulfurous mineral waters, hot mud applications, pneumoterapii, electrotherapy, chinototerapii, treatment with bee products. Sanatorium for rheumatic and respiratory diseases for children.
Baile Govora | Govora Spa is located in Valcea County in the north-eastern Carpathian depression Oltenia, 21 km from Ramnicul Valcea, a derivation of the road to Horezu and Targu-Jiu, at an altitude of 360-380 m, located in a region of hills covered by forests of beech,
oak, spruce, pine and acacia, with an area of 370 ha
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