About Baile Olanesti - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baile Olanesti recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (173 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Baile Olanesti, Valea Oltului
Olanesti Spa is located 18 km northwest of Ramnicu Valcea, the county seat. It crossed the valley to the south Olăneşti open and closed to the north, resulting in penetration of sunlight all day. It lies at an altitude of 450 m.
Olanesti resort is one of the few places in the country that meets the chip harmonious natural cure two factors: factor topoclimatic climate and local factors and conservation, consisting of mineral waters.
Olanesti ranks first among resorts in Romania in terms of number of sources, their total daily flow, the composition and the concentration and variety of mineral waters. The resort is located more than 35 hydro sources, both as natural springs and as a result of drilling and mining works (wells and galleries). A total of 15 mineral springs are fugitive captured for internal treatment. Two mineral springs with mineral water and four wells are used to cure external (bathing).
In Olanesti Spa can treat:
- And the digestive glands (chronic enterocolitis, chronic gastritis, gastric sequelae of surgery, peptic ulcer);
- Digestive disorders (chronic inflammatory bowel disease, chronic cholecystitis calculated, dyskinesia, biliary lithiasis, pancreatitis, diabetic fatty liver);
- Nutritional and metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, gout, hyperuricemia, obesity);
chronic kidney disease (renal lithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis, pyelocystitis)
- Occupational diseases (chronic poisoning by heavy metals: lead, mercury, arsenic);
- Respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis asmatiforma, non tubercular chronic allergic rhinosinusitis)
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Peripheral arterial disease
Baile Olanesti | Olanesti Spa is located 18 km northwest of Ramnicu Valcea, the county seat. It crossed the valley to the south Olăneşti open and closed to the north, resulting in penetration of sunlight all day. It lies at an altitude of 450 m
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