About Baile Tusnad - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baile Tusnad recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (193 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Baile Tusnad, Transilvania
Named the "Pearl of Transylvania", Tusnad is one of the most beautiful resorts in our country settlements. Baile Tusnad spa activity takes place since the mid-nineteenth century. In 1968, Baile Tusnad was declared tourist town.
Tusnad Baths are located in the southern part of Ciuc Depression, at an altitude of 650 m, between the mountains and Bodoc Harghita, in a stunning gorge of the river Olt. Position in the area gives a particularly beautiful frame, fresh and clean air, rich in resinous aerosols and negative ions that make the resort to have a tonic mountainous climate favorable to psichical relaxation.
About the mineral waters in Tusnad, written evidence since the eighteenth century, mentions the existence of mineral springs with curative effects used by the inhabitants of nearby villages.
Here we meet mofette (carbon dioxide), represents natural emanations of carbon dioxide dry gas. Mofettes are related to volcanism in the Eastern Carpathians and are capitalized in the spa cure. Natural mofette used in our country, in therapy is a unique phenomenon in the world.
Sources Stanescu, Apor and Mikes (carbonated mineral water, chlorine, sodium, bicarbonate), mofettes and subalpine climate are natural cure factors of Tusnad resort.
Here are treated: cardiovascular diseases (conditions after myocardial infarction, circulatory disorders, valvular disease of heart muscle, hypertension, circulatory disorders), diseases of the nervous system (asthenic neurosis, neurovegetative dystonia, secondary asthenic conditions, physical and mental fatigue); digestive disorders (stomach disease, functional bowel disorders, chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, biliary dyskinesia), endocrine disorders (hyperthyroidism mild adrenal insufficiency, Basedow's disease).
In 2009 was inaugurated Veres Viz ski slope in Tusnad.
Baile Tusnad | Baile Tusnad (in Hungarian Tusnádfürdő) is a town in Harghita County, Romania. It has a population of 1728 inhabitants, is the city with the lowest number of inhabitants in Romania. It is located in the southern part of Ciuc basin between mountains Harghita
and Bodoc, in Olt docks, at an altitude of 650 m
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