About Balea - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Balea recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Balea, Transfagarasan
Located in the heart of Fagaras Massif - itself the most grandiose of the Carpathians mountain resort our - Balea Lac area, part of the homonymous nature reserve (180 hectares) shows a typical glacial relief moraines, terraces, valley-shaped "U" dominated by increases deep castellated which rises from the north-east to south-west peaks Vaiuga 2443 m, 2417 m separated from the saddle Iezerul Goat Goat 2315 m and 2398 m. It descends Paltinul Bali north edge up beyond the waterfall in the Peak Honey 1500 m. The unique landscape of austere beauty is overwhelming, both in summer season especially in white. Then they move here with the fascinating world of frozen northern high snows, glittering like the strasina hanging heights in the white clouds that blend ephemeral. The Saddle Smooth - "gateway" accessible to wildlife Arpasel Reserve - comprises an endless succession of eye heights tall feathered mantle of winter, which hides hanging glacial valleys complex or simple, sharp edges and spurs, and these massive towers aligned on a gable good alpine the Himalayan iz. The lake ice over a meter in the sun dripping stalagmites petrified by the frost falls under the Bali window.
Vegetation type the perimeter of the lake is hydrophilic, consisting of sedges and herbs such as: alpine plantain, dandelion alpina, spleen, etc..
Alpine flora also contains gentian, Garofita, flowers and blood Hale corner. Balea edge increases varied vegetation that includes smardar, cranberry, and red flowers Garofita militia, and yellow poppies and edelweiss.
Balea waterfall
Located in the Fagaras Mountains between peaks and Negoiu Moldoveanu, Ramna most famous waterfall at over 1200 m altitude, has a fall of 60 m and marked inferior level of cirque Balea.
Coordinates for Balea waterfall are:
Lat: 45.626362 and Long: 24.612536
Balea | Ice bucket that holds emblematic Balea Lake (elevation 2034 m) with the most beautiful cottage semilacustra is by far the most important sports center in the Romanian Carpathians altitude.
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