About Cacica - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cacica recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Cacica, Bucovina
Cacica is a village in the central-eastern part of the county of Suceava, in Depression-Cacica Solca at the eastern foot of the Great Obcinele. It belongs administratively Cacica.
Archaeological discoveries in 1989 Cacica attested that here was one of the oldest salt mines recrystallized from brine (boiling and evaporation) in Europe, dating from the period Starčevo Early Neolithic Cris. In the area there are now several salt springs.
In the 1780s, the location of today Cacica (in northeastern Romania, in the historical region of Bukovina, 18 km from Gura Humor and 40 km from Suceava) were discovered salt deposits. In 1798 was put into operation here a salt and bring the workers and technicians from different provinces of the empire Habsurgic, especially Galicia, most of them ethnic Polish and Roman Catholics.
The entrance to the mine is on stage tree over 200 years old, mineralized brine penetrated the wood. The temperature in the mine is about -15 degrees Celsius.
Cacica | Archaeological discoveries in 1989 Cacica attested that here was one of the oldest salt mines recrystallized from brine (boiling and evaporation) in Europe, dating from the period Starčevo Early Neolithic Cris
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