About Olimp - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Olimp recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1008 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Olimp, Romanian Seaside
Olympus Resort is located on the Black Sea, 7 km. north of Mangalia. Many elegantly furnished hotel is named after some historical Romanian provinces (Banat H., H. Transylvania, Maramures H., H. Oltenia, Muntenia H., H. Moldova, H. Dobrudja, etc.).. The resort is actually a part of the Neptun resort.
The hotels are situated along the sea on a natural dam at 20-30 m above sea level. The resort is an ideal place for vacations and for treatment and has recovered from the sea beaches narrow creeks by creating artificial sand and the best quality. Here you can treat: spondylosis, rheumatism, infections, post-trauma state (after surgery performed on muscles, joints and bones, sprains and fractures), and cerebral palsy, gynecological diseases, endocrine disorders, dermatological diseases, respiratory disorders and another and so on.
Olimp | Olympus Resort is located on the Black Sea, 7 km. north of Mangalia. Many elegantly furnished hotel is named after some historical Romanian provinces (Banat H., H. Transylvania, Maramures H., H. Oltenia, Muntenia H
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