About Sighisoara - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sighisoara recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (83 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sighisoara, Transilvania
Sighisoara is one of the few inhabited fortified cities in Europe and the only conserved in most but lived in Romania. Due to its outstanding architecture, the dominant position and geographical ambience, the city was known since the late nineteenth century "Transylvania Pearl". The plan is typical fortified city founded in the medieval German cities later. Sighisoara is a separate image, and because for centuries, have lived in this burg in better understanding the medieval Romanian, Hungarians, Germans and other nationalities, who have helped each other, creating a multicultural community.
Lies in the central part of the country distances to the main places of economic, administrative, cultural and tourist are not too large: 297 km to Bucharest to Brasov 120 km, 156 km - Cluj-Napoca, 54 km - Targu Mures, 40 km - Székelyudvarhely.
The relief of the citadel, the old part of the Pannonian Sea platform, the existence of hundreds of millennia ago, is cut into terraces Tarnava water flow and restlessness of its tributaries. Sighisoara micromorphology gives the key role Tarnava Big Valley, being a point of intersection of major roads that especially before the development of means of transport, were obliged to pass, which explains the strategic importance of the old fortress, and the transit trade contributed to its economic rise.
Hill Station, Breite (Stejaris) and Hula Danes, are the favorite places of rest and recreation in the city. In these areas a leisure practice, which rebuilds a bridge between man and nature, giving it the possibility that a new framework, to release the pressure of everyday life.
Sighisoara | Sighisoara is situated in Hârtibaci Plateau, Plateau subdivision Tarnavelor, hilly part of the Transylvanian Depression. Laying down the Castle Hill (425 m), hills crowned by medieval castle and spread from southeast to SE in the middle of a huge natural
amphitheater, bordered to the north of Stejaris Hill (524 m) and Hula Danesi, S of Meadow Post to climb to Hill Middle (511-603 m) and to E Bradet Hill (524 m)
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