About Baia Sprie - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Baia Sprie recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Baia Sprie, Maramures
Sprie bath is a town in the county of Maramures, Transylvania, Romania. He was one of the important mining centers of Maramures. A mining activity in the city region is already reported in the Bronze Age. The exploitation of gold and silver is postponed by the Saxons in the years 1141 to colonize the region. In 1329 the area is known as the Mons medius. In 1774 published the first scientific research is the exploitation of minerals.
Sprie around Baia, are the most important places of tourist interest in the area. Whatever the season, tourist resort and cottage Suior Mogosa put at your disposal with rich and diverse recreational activities.
Besides tourist bases arranged around Baia Sprie find and protected areas of tourist interest. One such place is situated on the hill and at Mine 3 km from the city, where in 1920, by the collapse of old mine galleries formed a beautiful artificial lake. Heavy metal residues with copper ions and iron sulfide makes the lake water was a greenish head with time, but in certain weather and lighting conditions, the same water to turn blue hence the name Lake Blue Lake. Rooster Ridge Geological Reserve, I know of Guti, has been declared a protected area in 1954.
Baia Sprie | Sprie bath is a town in the county of Maramures, Transylvania, Romania. He was one of the important mining centers of Maramures. A mining activity in the city region is already reported in the Bronze Age
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