About Eforie Nord - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Eforie Nord recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3080 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Eforie Nord, Romanian Seaside
Eforie Nord is the second largest tourist resort on the Romanian seaside resort with a spa treatment permanently. Located east of Lake Techirghiol lake known for its curative properties of the mud, Eforie Nord is situated at a distance of about 15 km from Constanta.
Eforie Nord resort has a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot summers with average temperatures between 22-30 degrees Celsius and a low precipitation rate (approximately 400 ml per year).
The sun shines for 10-12 hours a day, conditions were optimal for the beach.
The resort of Eforie Nord trament works offered throughout the year and has a well developed infrastructure and diversified with sports, swimming, and many possibilities of accommodation in hotels, guesthouses and villas.
Treatment of rheumatic diseases, skin and the skeletal system through natural cure factors such as sea water or marine climate.
Access road: 15km south of Constanta on DN39 or 29km north of Mangalia city.
Access via feranta: 14 km south of Constanta, Constanta-Mangalia line, Eforie Nord railway station.
Eforie Nord | Eforie Nord is the second largest tourist resort on the Romanian seaside resort with a spa treatment permanently. Located east of Lake Techirghiol lake known for its curative properties of the mud, Eforie Nord is situated at a distance of about 15 km from
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