About Neptun - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Neptun recieved a rating of 4.2 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1528 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Neptun, Romanian Seaside
Neptune spa interest is 6 km north of Mangalia, at an altitude of 5-18 m.
The resort is a mild climate (warm summers and mild winters, with small amounts of snow due to the average temperature of 0 degrees in January) which allows continuous operation even if the resort is the summer that attracts most tourists.
Neptune is also a summer resort mondena, sheltered on three sides by forest, with more remote hotels. Green grass, comfort and quality make Neptune favorite place to spend the holidays for families with children.
Luxury and quality are found everywhere: in restaurants, bars, clubs, discos, the multi-purpose sports fields, swimming pools, the Summer Theatre, amusement park, the water sports facilities or shops. Everything breathes elegance, no detail was overlooked. The restaurants offer the most diverse local and international cuisine, fish specialties and even folklore programs
Neptune is one of the best organized beaches on the coast competing successfully with beaches resort. The main beach is known as 'The Flags' and continue with the beach in Jupiter in the south and the Olympic beach in northern parttea but not communicate with one of Olympus which is separated from an area that belongs to the Romanian government. Neptune Beach Resort has an average width (30-100 m) with a good sand, clean water and many recreational opportunities and various services.
Neptun | Neptune spa interest is 6 km north of Mangalia, at an altitude of 5-18 m.
The resort is a mild climate (warm summers and mild winters, with small amounts of snow due to the average temperature of 0 degrees in January) which allows continuous operation even if the resort is the summer that attracts most tourists
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