About Venus - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Venus recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1705 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Venus, Romanian Seaside
Venus Resort is located in the county of Constanta on the Black Sea coast, at 3-20 m altitude resorts between Saturn and Cap Aurora, 3 km north of Mangalia Municipality, to which the administration and 41 km south of Constanta ..
Venus, the goddess of beauty resort that bears his name, was in 1972 and includes design as chic hotel surrounded by gardens, almost every girl wearing a name. Modern and comfortable hotels of Venus have been favorites for years among foreign tourists, especially Germans, who enjoyed excellent conditions here at very low rates.
After 1989, hotels have been privatized, bringing added convenience, wide choice of leisure.
The beach stretches over a length of about 3 km and a width of about 200 meters. It is covered with a layer of fine sand and protected by seven dams. Entry into the sea is smooth in some places with sand, sometimes with sand and small stones. Natural cure factors are the maritime climate, exciting - Requesting rich Black Sea water and salt aerosols with a mineralization of 15.5%.
Near the resort there herhghelie, being able to practice riding.
The average temperature during summer is about 21 degrees Celsius.
Ways of access to the station: On the road on DN39 (E87) near Mangalia turn left on the access road that leads directly to the resort, and the railroad, located on Constanta-Mangalia line, Venus has its own train station, and the nearest train station is Mangalia. From here it's easy access to buses that leave from the station and cross all the resorts.
Venus | Venus Resort is located in the county of Constanta on the Black Sea coast, at 3-20 m altitude resorts between Saturn and Cap Aurora, 3 km north of Mangalia Municipality, to which the administration and 41 km south of Constanta
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