Romania deals 2025
(2000 offers, 74.2LEI - 1000LEI)

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Grand Hotel Caraiman, Neptun

Grand Hotel Caraiman    

   Score 8.8/10 out of 240 reviews

Neptun, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/01/2025

Hotel Mera Onix , Cap Aurora

Hotel Mera Onix     

   Score 9.1/10 out of 416 reviews

Cap Aurora, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • All Inclusive  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/01/2025

Complex Balnear Cozia, Calimanesti Caciulata

Complex Balnear Cozia    

   Score 8.4/10 out of 723 reviews

Calimanesti Caciulata, Valea Oltului, Romania

  • Full Board  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Complex Mera Resort, Venus

Complex Mera Resort    

   Score 9/10 out of 472 reviews

Venus, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel near beach  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Complex Hotelier Club Dunarea, Eforie Nord

Complex Hotelier Club Dunarea    

   Score 8.3/10 out of 449 reviews

Eforie Nord, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • All Inclusive  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/01/2025

Hotel Delta, Jupiter

Hotel Delta    

   Score 8.6/10 out of 297 reviews

Jupiter, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel with children playground  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Complex Steaua De Mare - Delfinul Si Meduza, Eforie Nord

Complex Steaua De Mare - Delfinul Si Meduza    

   Score 9/10 out of 519 reviews

Eforie Nord, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel with indoor pool  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Hotel Phoenicia Blue View, Olimp

Hotel Phoenicia Blue View    

   Score 8.8/10 out of 322 reviews

Olimp, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel near beach  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Vox Maris Grand Resort, Costinesti

Vox Maris Grand Resort    

   Score 7.8/10 out of 179 reviews

Costinesti, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel near beach  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/27/2025

Hotel Aurora, Mamaia

Hotel Aurora    

   Score 8.4/10 out of 326 reviews

Mamaia, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Full Board  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Afrodita Resort And Spa, Baile Herculane

Afrodita Resort And Spa    

   Score 8.6/10 out of 245 reviews

Baile Herculane, Banat, Romania

  • All Inclusive  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Steaua De Mare - Olimp Resort - Hotel Muntenia Fostul Pam Beach , Olimp

Steaua De Mare - Olimp Resort - Hotel Muntenia Fostul Pam Beach     

   Score 8.8/10 out of 226 reviews

Olimp, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel near beach  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Hotel Safir Blue Resort, Saturn

Hotel Safir Blue Resort    

   Score 8.3/10 out of 302 reviews

Saturn, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel family hotels  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Hotel Majestic, Mamaia

Hotel Majestic    

   Score 8.6/10 out of 303 reviews

Mamaia, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/01/2025

Complex Hotel Vera, Eforie Nord

Complex Hotel Vera    

   Score 8.7/10 out of 283 reviews

Eforie Nord, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Full Board  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Hotel Termal, Baile Felix

Hotel Termal    

   Score 9.2/10 out of 303 reviews

Baile Felix, Crisana, Romania

  • Hotel with indoor pool  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/01/2025

Hotel Belvedere, Predeal

Hotel Belvedere    

   Score 8.6/10 out of 223 reviews

Predeal, Valea Prahovei, Romania

  • Hotel family hotels  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Hotel 2D Resort And Spa, Neptun

Hotel 2D Resort And Spa    

   Score 8.7/10 out of 288 reviews

Neptun, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel near beach  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/27/2025

Aqvatonic Balneo Spa Steaua De Mare, Eforie Nord

Aqvatonic Balneo Spa Steaua De Mare    

   Score 9.2/10 out of 258 reviews

Eforie Nord, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • All Inclusive  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Hotel Terra, Neptun

Hotel Terra    

   Score 8.7/10 out of 137 reviews

Neptun, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • All Inclusive  
  • Airplane (06/18 - 12/31/2025)
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/24/2025

Hotel Victoria, Mamaia

Hotel Victoria    

   Score 8/10 out of 270 reviews

Mamaia, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel on the beach  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Hotel Poseidon Resort, Jupiter

Hotel Poseidon Resort    

   Score 8.9/10 out of 219 reviews

Jupiter, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel with children playground  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Hotel Neko Fost Aida , Saturn

Hotel Neko Fost Aida     

   Score 7.8/10 out of 151 reviews

Saturn, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel near beach  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Phoenicia Holiday Resort, Mamaia

Phoenicia Holiday Resort    

   Score 8.5/10 out of 229 reviews

Mamaia, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel with indoor pool  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Hotel Mera Holiday, Venus

Hotel Mera Holiday    

   Score 8.6/10 out of 104 reviews

Venus, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 03/02/2025

Hotel Dacia, Neptun

Hotel Dacia    

   Score 8.4/10 out of 149 reviews

Neptun, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • All Inclusive  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/25/2025

Hotel Central, Calimanesti Caciulata

Hotel Central    

   Score 8.4/10 out of 146 reviews

Calimanesti Caciulata, Valea Oltului, Romania

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/25/2025

Aqua President Hotel, Baile Felix

Aqua President Hotel    

   Score 8.9/10 out of 168 reviews

Baile Felix, Crisana, Romania

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/26/2025

Hotel Savoy, Mamaia

Hotel Savoy    

   Score 8.6/10 out of 213 reviews

Mamaia, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel on the beach  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

Complex Mediteranean Ex. Mercur-Minerva , Mamaia

Complex Mediteranean Ex. Mercur-Minerva     

   Score 8.2/10 out of 233 reviews

Mamaia, Romanian Seaside, Romania

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/28/2025

About Romania


Romania offers a wide range of tourism or general interest proposals. You can choose from a wide range of activities and places to visit. You can ski in traditional mountain resorts or built for this purpose, or you can linger in the sunshine on the Black Sea beaches. You can hike in unspoiled places, where the rivers have crystal clear water, or explore the wilderness of the Danube Delta. In the Danube Delta you can admire pelicans and other endangered bird species among floating islands covered with reeds. You can also admire medieval fortresses, Byzantine-style monasteries, exterior wall paintings, and peasant houses decorated according to the specificity of each region, and Dracula's castle is just one of the many impressive castles and palaces that can be visited.
Coast of Romania - Beaches and resorts
The Romanian seaside is a jewel with which Romania boasts. There are many resorts on the Black Sea coast in Romania, some very popular and some less well known. All, however, offers you the possibility of a relaxing stay with all the amenities you may need. Among the most popular holiday resorts on the Romanian seaside are:
Holidays in Mamaia
one of the most trendy resorts for clubbing, but renowned for the best beach with the best sand in Romania. The holiday season starts here from the middle of May and ends at the end of September, when the average temperatures during the day are between 25 and 35 degrees Celsius. It is a resort that has grown strongly in recent years, attracting thousands of foreign tourists every summer. It is the resort where you can indulge in the beach, you can spend up to dawn in well-rated clubs or enjoy the adrenaline of water sports. Among many others, you will be able to practice scuba diving and para-gliding. Today, Mamaia resort is considered one of the most expensive and most enjoyable holiday places on the Romanian seaside.
Holidays in Eforie Nord
A resort open all year round, Eforie Nord is just 14 kilometers south of Constanta, between Lake Techirghiol and the Black Sea. The mud of this lake, combined with salty lake waters, forms a treatment for rheumatic, dermatological, metabolic and nutritional disorders. Along with all these natural SPA facilities, Eforie Nord offers wide sandy beaches, plenty of cheap hotels and attractive guesthouses. It is a relaxing, treatable resort that attracts more and more foreign tourists every passing year.
Holidays in Costinesti
Do you want fun, madness and crackdown? go to Costinesti, the popular resort among young people and students, with a lively atmosphere. The season here begins on May 1. The long fine sandy beach in Costinesti is back east, so you will have sunshine all day. In addition, the resort is less expensive than the other on the Romanian seaside, precisely because it is dedicated to the students. That should not stop you, however, to spend your stay here, even if you are past your first youth.
Holidays in Mangalia
Mangalia is the southernmost resort on the Romanian Black Sea coast. It is one of the few places in Romania where the temperature recorded in winter is maintained at zero degrees Celsius. It is a resort for you to choose from if you want to spend the seaside, sea, sun and walks on the Romanian seaside among the ruins immersed in history. You can visit here a sepul tomb discovered in 1959, 4th-century incineration tombs, the ruins of the Callatis fortress (6th century) and a 16th-century Turkish mosque. There is also an Archeology Museum renowned for its collection of amphorae and sculptures from the Hellenistic period.
Vacations in Vama Veche
Vama Veche is south of Mangalia and is a bohemian resort of artists, actors, singers and dancers. We all come here in summer to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of this relatively isolated place. Vama Veche is a traditional destination for lovers of tranquil beaches, sea swim and nudism. He usually sleeps here in tents or in rented rooms from peasants or fishermen living nearby. Lately, several properties have been developed for the development of the area, and since 2003 there is an annual music festival called Stufstock (Reed-stock). Also, the Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Neptune resorts blend harmoniously along the Black Sea coast, offering a host of facilities and natural beauties that illustrate the seaside coastline. They still keep a discreet, personal charm that you can feel and enjoy during your vacation in Romania.

  Read blog articles about Romania

De ce este considerata Mamaia cea mai buna destinatie de vacanta de la malul Marii Negre

19.02.2025 Romania

Poreclita “Perla litoralului romanesc”, Mamaia este aproape in fiecare an cea mai vizitata statiune romaneasca de la malul Marii Negre, fiind frecventata atat de turisti romani, cat si de vizitatori veniti din alte colturi ale lumii.

De ce ar putea fi Vama Veche locul de vacanta ideal pentru tine

19.02.2025 Romania

Vama Veche, micutul sat de la granita cu Bulgaria, este un loc aparte pe litoralul romanesc. Desi s-a schimbat mult in ultimii ani, inca pastreaza o atmosfera unica, boema si nonconformista, motiv pentru care ramane sa fie una dintre cele mai vizitate statiuni de la malul Marii Negre.

3 Statiuni romanesti de la Marea Neagra unde merita sa-ti petreci concediul

19.02.2025 Romania

Iarna este pe sfarsite, iar gandurile noastre incep sa zboare catre o vacanta la mare. Daca nu ai apucat inca sa-ti faci planuri pentru un concediu, noi suntem gata sa-ti oferim cateva sugestii! In plus, trebuie sa stii ca acum este momentul ideal pentru a profita de cele mai bune oferte early booking Romania pentru vacanta de vara! In randurile urmatoare, iti vom prezenta trei dintre cele mai atractive statiuni de pe litoralul romanesc unde poti sa te bucuri de soare, plaja si distractie.

Descoperind Covasna, bijuteria ascunsa a Transilvaniei

13.10.2020 Romania

Covasna ilustrează mariajul perfect între cultura autentică și natura neatinsă. Mai exact, îți arată o cultură unică și îți oferă căldura și veselia oamenilor gata să-ți împărtășească părticica lor din Transilvania. Ce poți trăi/experiementa aici? Iată:

Am dat startul ofertelor de Black Friday! Până la 50% discount

13.11.2019 Romania

Vacanțe pe litoral în România, Grecia, Bulgaria, Turcia sau Egipt, cu până la 50% discount. Îți spună bine? Dacă da, pregătește-te să dai click pe rezervă! Am lansat campania cu reduceri Black Friday și sute de vacanțe s-au făcut brusc mai ieftine. Iar asta pentru că suntem online 😊

Cele mai frumoase 9 locuri din România

08.10.2019 Romania

Când spunem vacanță, de puține ori ne referim la un sejur în România. Și nu din pricina lipsei de zone frumoase, ci mai degrabă a puținelor lucruri pe care le știm despre ea. România este o țară plină de istorie bine conservată. Cultura, reperele iconice și peisajele frumoase

Top statiuni de pe litoralul romanesc

07.05.2018 Romania

Plajele, care se întind de la Mangalia până la Mamaia, sunt mărginite de stațiuni de pe litoralul românesc, cu hoteluri și numeroase facilități sportive și de divertisment. Găsești plaje generoase cu nisip fin în Mamaia, Eforie, Neptun, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn si Mangalia.

Cum sa iti alegi destinatia de vacanta

12.02.2018 Romania

Explorează lumea de la un colțișor la altul, propunându-ți cel puțin două vacanțe pe an. Dacă ești atent la oferte, bugetul îți permite! Iată câteva sfaturi despre alegerea destinației, care să te ajute pe viitor.

Vouchere de vacanta 2018 Cine primeste si cum se acorda ele

09.01.2018 Romania

Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2018, salariații din instituțiile de stat și autoritățile publice vor beneficia de o indemnizație de vacanță (vouchere de vacanță) în cuantum de 1.450 de lei de persoană. Tichetele se vor acorda în primul trimestrul al anului...

Traditii si obiceiuri de Revelion in Romania

12.12.2017 Romania

Descopera cele mai frumoase traditii si obiceiuri de Revelion in Romania, de care sa te bucuri anul acesta alaturi de familie. Petrece in stil traditional, intr-o destinatie neaosa, in care sa te bucuri de plugusor, dansul ursului, dansul caprei, traditia cepei taiate si de Sorcova.